...edit news...Welcome to the FOAP website,

to the website of the VIDI-project: Functions of Audiovisual Prosody (FOAP). The general aim of this project is to get more insight into functions of verbal and visual cues in spoken conversations. The results of the project are or will be relevant to improve our understanding of the pragmatics of spoken language and to improve the naturalness and efficiency of embodied conversational agents. The different substudies of the project follow a specific research procedure. The FOAP project is conducted within the Research Programme of the C&C section of the Arts Faculty at Tilburg University. It is sponsored by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and Tilburg University, and runs for 5 years (2003-2007).

Last Modified: Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Non-verbale communicatie in gesproken taal en digitale media
Over de werking van non-verbale communicatie in gesproken taal en door virtuele personages in digitale media is nog weinig bekend, maar het belang ervan wordt steeds meer ingezien. Twee nieuwe hoogleraren van de Universiteit van Tilburg, Emiel Krahmer en Marc Swerts, belichten de wetenschappelijke stand van zaken in een dubbeloratie op vrijdag 2 november...

07 Nov 2007 by lvdlaar

FOAP in the Picture!
NRC Handelsblad devoted some attention to our work on nonverbal communication on November 2, 2007: artikel-nrc.pdf.

07 Nov 2007 by lvdlaar

FOAP on Air!
The FOAP Research program was featured in the VPRO-radio Noorderlicht program. Emiel Krahmer was interviewed about their research on facial expressions. The audio clip can be downloaded (use right mouse button an choose "save target as...") from here in .mp3 format. For more information on the broadcast, visit: noorderlicht.vpro.nl.

07 Nov 2007 by lvdlaar

University for Children
On November 20, Marc Swerts will teach about body language for the "University for Children" at Tilburg University:

25 Oct 2006 by lvdlaar

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