- Emiel Krahmer. Mens en Computer. De Menselijke Kant van Digitale Media. Tilburg, November 2007.
- Marc Swerts. Lichaam en Taal. De Audiovisuele Kant van Teksten. Tilburg, November 2007.
- Suleman Shahid, Emiel Krahmer & Marc Swerts. Real vs. Acted Emotional Speech: Comparing South-Asian and Caucasian Speakers and Observers. Submitted to Interspeech 2007, Antwerp, Belgium, August 2007.
- Suleman Shahid, Emiel Krahmer & Marc Swerts. Audiovisual Emotional Speech of Game Playing Children: Effects of Age and Culture. Submitted to Interspeech 2007, Antwerp, Belgium, August 2007.
- Pashiera Barkhuysen, Emiel Krahmer & Marc Swerts. Incremental perception of acted and real emotional speech. Submitted to Interspeech 2007, Antwerp, Belgium, August 2007.
- Pashiera Barkhuysen, Emiel Krahmer & Marc Swerts. Cross-modal perception of emotional speech. Submitted to International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Saarbruecken, Germany, August 2007.
- Pashiera Barkhuysen, Emiel Krahmer & Marc Swerts. The interplay between auditory and visual cues for end-of-utterance detection. Submitted.
- Emiel Krahmer & Marc Swerts. Cognitive Processing of Audiovisual Cues to Prominence. Submitted.
- Marc Swerts & Emiel Krahmer. The Effects of Visual Beats on Prosodic Prominence. Submitted.
Pashiera Barkhuysen, Emiel Krahmer, Marc Swerts. How Auditory and Visual Prosody is Used in End-of-Utterance Detection. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (Interspeech 2006), Pittsburgh PA, USA.
- Marc Swerts, Emiel Krahmer. The importance of different facial areas for signalling visual prominence. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (Interspeech 2006), Pittsburgh PA, USA.
Emiel Krahmer, Marc Swerts. Testing the effect of audiovisual cues to prominence via a reaction-time experiment. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (Interspeech 2006), Pittsburgh PA, USA.
Janneke Wilting, Emiel Krahmer, Marc Swerts, Real vs. Acted Emotional Speech. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (Interspeech 2006), Pittsburgh PA, USA.
Emiel Krahmer and Marc Swerts. Hearing and Seeing Beats: The influence of visual beats on the production and perception of prominence. Proceedings Speech Prosody 2006, Dresden.
Christel Dijkstra, Emiel Krahmer and Marc Swerts. Manipulating Uncertainty: The contribution of different audiovisual prosodic cues to the perception of confidence. Proceedings Speech Prosody 2006, Dresden.
Pashiera Barkhuysen, Emiel Krahmer & Marc Swerts. Audiovisual cues to finality. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research, Wageningen (Netherlands), 2005.
Marc Swerts & Emiel Krahmer. Cognitive processing of audiovisual cues to prominence. In Proceedings of Audiovisual Speech Processing (AVSP), p. 29-30. British Columbia, Canada, 2005.
Emiel Krahmer & Marc Swerts. How children and adults produce and perceive uncertainty in audiovisual speech. Language and Speech, 48:1, 2005, p. 29-54.
Pashiera Barkhuysen, Emiel Krahmer & Marc Swerts. Predicting end of utterance in multimodal and unimodal condtions. Proceedings Interspeech 2005, Lisbon (Portugal), September 2005.
Pashiera Barkhuysen, Emiel Krahmer & Marc Swerts. Problem Detection in Human-Machine Interactions based on Facial Expressions of Users. Speech communication, 45:3, 2005, p. 343-359.
Marc Swerts & Emiel Krahmer. Audiovisual prosody and feeling of knowing. Journal of Memory and Language, 53:1, 2005, p. 81-94.
Emiel Krahmer & Marc Swerts. Signaling and detecting uncertainty in audiovisual speech by children and adults. Proceedings of Interspeech 2004: 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Jeju Island (Korea), October 4-8, 2004
E. Krahmer, M. Swerts. More about brows, a cross-linguistic study via analysis-by-synthesis. In: From brows to trust: evaluating embodied conversational agents, edited by C. Pelachaud & Zs. Ruttkay, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004, p. 191-216.
Marc Swerts & Emiel Krahmer. Congruent and incongruent audiovisual cues to prominence. In: Proceedings Speech prosody conference, Nara (Japan), 2004, pp. 69-72.
Pashiera Barkhuysen, Emiel Krahmer & Marc Swerts. Audiovisual Perception of Communication Problems. In: Proceedings Speech prosody conference, Nara (Japan), 2004, pp. 271-274.
M. Swerts, E. Krahmer, P. Barkhuysen & L. van de Laar. Audiovisual cues to uncertainty. In: Proceedings of ISCA workshop on error handling in spoken dialog systems, Chateau-d'Oex, Switzerland, August/september 2003.
E. Krahmer, S. van Buuren, Zs. Ruttkay & W. Wesselink. Audio-visual Personality Cues for Embodied Agents: An experimental evaluation. In: Proceedings of the AAMAS03 Ws on Embodied Conversational Characters as Individuals, Melbourne, Australia, 15th July, 2003.
(Movie samples (AVI files) of stimuli used in the experiments)
L. van de Laar. Influence of eyes on the utterances of Emobodied Conversational Agents, an experimental inquiry. Tilburg University, March 2003
Granström B, House D and Swerts M (2002). Multimodal feedback cues in human-machine interactions. In Bernard Bel & Isabelle Marlien eds. Proc of the Speech Prosody 2002 Conference. Aix-en-Provence: Laboratoire Parole et Langage, 347-350.
E. Krahmer, Zs. Ruttkay, M. Swerts & W. Wesselink. Pitch, Eyebrows and the Perception of Focus. In: Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2002, Aix en Province, France, April 2002.
E. Krahmer, Zs. Ruttkay, M. Swerts & W. Wesselink. Audiovisual Cues to Prominence. In: Proceedings ICSLP, Denver, 2002.